Monday, August 2, 2010


Funk Night in Detroit - Nikki and her friend Amelia took me to Funk Night. Which is an event held one Friday every month because Detroit is where funk began. Its held at different locations each time. Where we went was a place where a market would usually be held. But on this Friday night it was full of people drinking, dancing, smoking and listening to funk music. Its very unique to Detroit. Being pretty much the only place under age people can come and drink in public. Because Detroit it full of crime, the police tend not to crack down things like this, spending more time where it matters. This is true for other things like road rules. As you can see from the photos its location was in the middle of many buildings, or factories.
(Nikki if I've written anything misinforming, or there is anything i should add, please let me know)

Nikki and Amelia

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